Crismer R, Lefebvre F, Delforge M, Damiean-Gillet M. Arch Fr Mal App Dig. 1970 Dec;59(12):823-4. French.
Nos publications
Primary Hodgkin’s disease of the small intestine presenting as staged stenosis of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
Crismer R, Lefèbvre F, Naome J, Hérion F, Delforge M. Sem Hop. 1970 Apr 14;46(18):1226-8.
Biliary form of hydatid cyst of the right lobe of the liver (laparoscopy, gammagraphy, selective arteriography).
Crismer R, Naomé J, Delforge M, van de Berg A, Lefebvre F, Rogister C. Rev Med Liege. 1970 Jan 1;25(1):10-4. French.
Clinical efficiency of frontal pancreatic tomography after pneumo- and retro-pneumoperitoneum.
Crismer R, Delforge M, Defrance P. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 1971 Jan;34(1):122-8. Select item 126471.